One day James said “ I’m bored, I want to go somewhere exciting, somewhere off this planet. I want to go to the moon. Centipede, can you go with me to the moon? ” “Sure kid, except I don’t know how to ride a rocket ship and I don’t even have one ” said Centipede.
“Don’t worry, we can get a ticket to ride on a rocket ship at the space shop ” said James. “But how are we going to get to the space shop?” said Centipede. “By cab” said James and Centipede cried “Oohhh”.
”Hooray, we are at the space station” cried James. Centipede asked Mr. Moon “Can we get a rocket ship to the moon?” “Sure, just take number 11” said Mr. Moon. “Come on, Centipede and bye Mr. Moon” said James. “Bye James and have a nice time” said Mr. Moon. “Sure thing” said James and they blasted off to space.
Soon they got hungry and they ate a sandwich and a soda. James didn’t drink the soda. He put it on his jetpack controls. Soon they got sleepy. They lied down and started snoring. Just then the soda fell. “Oh no, the soda fell on the controls, we are going to crash on that planet. According to the guidebook, it says that we are on Pokeplanet” said James.
They crashed. James and Centipede walked on and on until they reached a jungle. They saw this creature. It was like goo. It said, “ Hi, my name is Ditto. I am a pokemon and I can turn into anything you want. I want to go for an adventure with you guys”. “Sure, you can come with us” said James. “Hooray, I finally have an owner” said Ditto.
Suddenly an Indian popped out of nowhere. “Please help us, Treecko’s leafball is lost. The legend says once Treecko has lost his leafball, he will destroy everything in its path. So, please help” said the Indian. “Don’t worry, will help you, right James?” said Centipede. “OK” said James.
So off the four of them went searching for the Treecko’s leafball. They saw this pyramid, the shape of Treecko” “Look, let us search in here” said Ditto. When they went in, they past boulders, pit traps. Ditto had to battled with all kinds of weird creatures that James has never seen on earth.
“Look, that must be the leafball. Let’s get it” said Centipede. But then a Machamp popped out and said “I’m using Treecko to destroy the whole planet”. Ditto turned into an electric type Pokemon. Ditto nearly lost all his health but the final hit killed the Machamp. James returned the leafball to Treecko. That planet lived happily.
The End.
Original work of my 8-in-3-weeks SGT. Charaters are from James and the Giant Peach and the Pokemon world. She has always been a good storyteller since she knew how to write. She has been awarded "The Greatest Storyteller and Story Animator" for Grade 2 at school yesterday. This is one of her many stories that she has written. I love the suspense!!