Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests in me

We walked for nearly 9 km last Sunday. I can't believe that those little pair of legs could withstand the distance. I can't believe that we were in Singapore either. We were lost in time and distance. It was longer and further than we intended but alas, it was a very good walk and glad that we did it. 

It was a good quiet time for reflection for me. Just what I needed after a busy week. What are my priorities? What do I want in life? What do I consider a fulfilling life? How do I get there? Does it matter if it hurts people I love in order to get there? 

Life is a journey. God never intends to let you go on the journey alone. He sent angels to be with you. Is it possible that too many angels only make you confused? God give me strength to complete this lifes' journey.