Yesterday as I woke up in the morning, I was surrounded by positive energies. The birds were singing. The kids were happy despite it being Monday and another round of school week. "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I have a wonderful feeling that everything is going my way".
There were many chores to do around the house after the weekend. Two bucket loads of washing, a basket of clothes for ironing, the floor was sticky and needs mopping, the window needs cleaning. Did my priority list and started with cleaning the toilet and floor.One toilet down, two to go.
Suddenly, the universe interrupted my thoughts and concentration. "You are taking a break from full time, paid work to do this filthy, boring full time unpaid house work. Get out of here and do something for yourself" (somehow in the voice of my mother-in-law). My brain was doing the priority list again. First, hairdresser, lunch, massage and by then in time to pick up the kids.
Me: It's very hot and I want to cut my hair short.
Hairdresser: Yes, would look young mah..You can have concave bob, octave bob or straight bob.
Me: Whatever..all i want is short, easy to style and with body
Hairdresser: Ok, would look good if you put highlights on your hair.
Me: much is that?
Hairdresser: Cheap one..only XX more. But money no problem mah..important to look good what?
Me: Alright......lets do it
Hairdresser: You can do hair treatment too. Will make hair shiny one...
Me: Thank you but I don't think I could sit on this chair longer than two hours. I have never sat like this long ever in my life.
Reality hits when I got home when my 7 year old daughter said " cut your hair. Don't you think that after you have a new haircut you feel like you have a different personality. You look boyish". My husband came home and said "I always like your hair long. It looks good anyway". Always the diplomat.
TODAY, I woke up feeling all positive. A good sign that I am in harmony with the universe. I need to finish off what I have started yesterday. Priority list top down:- (1) washing (2) ironing (3) piano lesson at 10am (4) book for massage. Delete (1) and (2).
Me: I have no knowledge of any music theory whatsoever and I have never played any musical instruments
Teacher: Don't worry, I also have old student like you. He is 65 years old.
Me: Do I look that old?
Teacher: No look young mah...(thank God for the haircut)
I really had a good time and am practising the fingers - CDEFG right and left hand on my way back when suddenly I saw a shop in front of me - " JAVANESE TRADITIONAL MASSAGE". This is karma.
Me: I think I want to go for tummy herbal treatment today
Masseuse: We have a package which you will pay cheaper if you take the 10 sessions package.
Me: No thanks (after piano lesson and haircut yesterday I should go easy on the wallet (my husband's)
Masseuse: You can take your clothes off now and let me take your weight and measurement. (a few seconds after measurement) You have problem everywhere mah not just on your tummy, but thighs, hands. You need full body treatment lah...
2 hours later I came out with a lifetime membership card, 10 sessions of full body treatment and unlimited usage of spa bath and jacuzzi and a REVITALISED body.
Lesson #1: Stay away from salesman/woman. They always have something special just for you.
Lesson #2: Singaporeans are very friendly and amazingly honest. Truth hurts.
Lesson #3: Don't ask your husband's opinion about your haircut. He would prefer you don't have a haircut at all.
Lesson #4: Stick to your original plan. LIVE LIFE. (the original plan when we were born)
Lesson #5: Be brave when your the credit card bill arrives definition of TAI TAI (noun) 1. A term used in Chinese circles for supreme wife (implying situation where a man is wealthy enough to have several "wives') but no longer strictly interpreted. Term now applies to citizens of the world with an Asian viewpoint who have bounds of time and money. A Tai Tai is a privileged lady of means. 2. Supreme of the Supreme is its literal translation. The term implies respect. >> moreTo qualify as a Tai Tai, one has to have lots of leisure time, lots of money to spend and lots of gossip to exchange. A Tai Tai would win if Shopping were an Olympic event.